Bees do not only make honey but also represent the emblem of energy and an incredible example of biodiversity. Franco Rondinella, a beekeeper of Ripacandida and producer of the Lucanian honey par excellence since the nineties, is the one who knows the value of their movement very well.
Since February 16, 2019, his passion for bees has been transformed into a receptive work, capable of giving his visitors an incredible unique experience. This structure, built on the same estate where honey is produced, houses five beautiful rooms, of various sizes, and is the only place in Europe to have an integrated apiary. The place welcomes its guests from all over the world, who come here to live an experience of relaxation connected with nature.
The Honey Spa is also a fine wellness center: visitors can enjoy massages, saunas but also a particular treatment, reserved for them in “the bee room”, a comfortable space in which to admire Mount Vulture and “breathe” the air that comes from six hives outside. A treatment is recommended for those who suffer bronchitis and cardiorespiratory problems but not only. “The bee room” is also a relaxing space for those who want to let themselves be enchanted by the sweet buzz of bees.
in addition to extracting 10 varieties of honey, the Rondinella family also produces various products such as chocolates, nougats, candies, royal jelly and jams, always based on the nectar produced by bees.